Friday, September 18, 2015

Challenge # 17 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days

30 Paintings in Thirty Days Challenge...
I did not reach 30 Days...
I painted salt and peppers from my daughter Michelle's collection with the idea of 
putting together a calendar incorporating some old favourite family recipes...
as Christmas presents for the family...
paintings completed...assemblage needed...
this is on my 'to-do' list!
Salt and Pepper Shakers, 12
Oil on Panel, 8 in x 8 in


  1. Hi Sandra - Your daughter indeed has quite a collection of salt and pepper shakers! Love these whimsical paintings. You had asked about the pastels I did. They are on ampersand pastelbord which has a grit to it almost like fine sandpaper. I haven't been as dedicated this month. But it's still good to push yourself.

  2. Thanks Diane. I missed this post! Thank you for the info on ambersand bords for pastel. It is good to push yourself. I need to do more of these challenges for I learn so much. I have loved your paintings of late.
