Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Painting Challenge, Day 27

The Lavender Farm...
...a little 5 minute watercolour and pen sketch...We have been working all afternoon and evening on the reunion....I could not resist picking up my watercolours and doing a little sketch for submission....I am hooked on creating something everyday.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Update on my 30 paintings in 30 days

My daily painting has been put on hold because I have been quite busy these past few days. I am co-hosting my 47th nursing reunion in Collingwood in a few days. There are 4 days left of this challenge and I may not get back before the end of the month. Leslie will tell you that the goal of this challenge was to get us into the studio more often. I certainly did that. I am pleased with the paintings that I completed.
Check back for I plan to continue this blog, starting with photos from the Rancho Relaxo Creative Retreat.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Painting Challenge # 20

'Clairabella Bridge'
Here is another small study from my time at Rancho Relaxo Creative Retreat.
Oil, 5 in x 7 in

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Painting Callenge # 19

Oil, 5 in x 7 in
I was out to Rancho Relaxo Creative Retreat again today.
I came home and did this little study in oil

Painting Callenge # 18

Not a painting today!

'White butterflies catch the dappled sunlight'
This past week I attended Rancho Relaxo Creative Retreat in Severn, Ontario.
Here is my origami installation.
Walking along the pathway, looking left or right your eye may catch sight of one of these butterflies. They make you slow down or stop....and look around. 
Our lives are busy....we walk through our days with our minds on the tasks at hand and often miss what lays beyond to the left or right....miss what may add a surprise or a sparkle to our day.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Painting Callenge # 17

I have taken a break from my daily painting while I attend Rancho Relaxo Creative Retreat in Severn, Ontario

a watercolour and pen sketch

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Painting Challenge # 15

'Mya' oil
4" x 4"
Mya was the cat who lived at Le Vieux  Couvent...she rarely stopped, usually spotted going from here to there!

Painting Callenge # 14

'The Little Cottage'
Oil, 8" x 8"
In the small villages the front door of the homes opened up right onto the street...rose bushes and holly hocks hugged the front of the buildings.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Painting Challenge # 11

'On a Hill Far Away'
Oil, 5" x 7"
This very old church stood abandoned high on a hill
in Saint Cinq-Lapopie,
a town perched on a steep hill.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Painting Challenge # 10

'Mon Petit Ami'
Oil, 5" x 7"
Each morning I was greeted by this little fellow
who was sitting low down on a ledge
just outside my bedroom door.
 He was there to say goodnight every evening.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Painting Challenge # 9

...a little watercolour...
flowerpots on a window sill.

Painting Challenge # 8

A little watercolour sketch today....I have been busy getting ready for our house guest.....creating in the kitchen!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Painting Challenge # 7

'Beside the Garden Path'
Oil, 8" x 8"
                             On one of the many paths to the back of the property, 
tucked between the long grasses 
there was a small pond with brightly coloured fish
that surfaced....sometimes!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Painting Challenge #6

'Useful Once Again'
Oil, 5" x 7"
In the courtyard by the entrance gates 
stood an old woodstove from another era
tucked into the corner....
a work of art repurposed as a
stand for a pot of herbs.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Painting Challenge #5

'Magnolia Blossom' 8" x 8" 
One evening we found a magnolia blossom
placed on our table by Corinne...
one blossom in a little blue and white vase.

Painting Challenge #4

Today's posting is a little watercolour sketch...
my oil painting of a white magnolia blossom is not finished....
 Paul and I went out shopping!
As I want to have a posting for every day....I may have to do
a small watercolour from time to time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Painting Challenge # 3

'Straight and Tall'
oil, 8 " x 8"
I have so many wonderful memories of
my days at 'Le Vieux Couvent'....
and I have so many photos as a reminder. 
I plan to do all 30 paintings of 
'Memories of France'.
Hollyhocks at every turn, and in so many colours!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Painting Challenge, Day 2

'Wash Day'
oil, 8" x 8"

30 Paintings in 30 Days

I have taken on this challenge.
30 paintings in 30 days
Here is Day 1....
'View from my Walking Path'
5" x 7"
View the paintings of
676 artists participating from 20 different countries
on Leslie Saeta's blog
I am using this opportunity to teach myself how to paint in oils. 

View From My Walking Path

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Steamroller Project, August 31, 2014

The Steamroller Project
took place in Midland, Ontario 
August 23, 2014
I have been wanting to do this for some time.

Drawing on wood 18" x 40"
Light areas carved out
Ink is rolled onto the woodcut
Wood piece is placed into a form,
covered with dampened paper and blankets.
The exciting part of my day...driving the paver!

Pulling the print

Three prints per artist, six artists...
printing all day.

One print is donated to the gallery for auction

Text running through the sky reads...

“On the shores of Georgian Bay I watch my grandchildren
wade in the shallow water, bent over, searching for the brightly coloured,
sand-washed stones. They prize the smooth ones with sparkles that catch
 the light. Later in the day they help me carry the canoe to the water’s edge.
 We paddle following the shoreline. They share with me their thoughts,
their hopes, their dreams. We marvel at the water and talk about what it will
take for it to remain clear and healthy for generations to come.
They love this place as I do…on the shores of Georgian Bay” 


Saturday, August 16, 2014


This blog was set up in 2010 and it sat with no entries until today.
I am a printmaker and mixed media painter
today I have my own Artist's Blog.
I have the most loving, patient, caring and knowledgeable daughter.
Michelle is visiting me from Chicago and she is educating me
on the ins and outs of blogging.

I like this photo of Michelle and me.
I am going to do a bit of catch-up here with posts of photos from
The most recent retreat was at Le Vieux Couvent
in Frayssinet, France
in July of this year with
Dreama Tolle Perry
and 17 of my new friends.
I have a Life Goal List!
I have had it for many years.
On my list was to have tea with a woman I had never met....
Dreama Tolle Perry, an artist,
who lived in Paris, Kentucky.

It wasn't her art that drew me to her, it was her spirit.
I sent her an email telling her of my goal...
'to have tea with Dreama Tolle Perry'.
Dreama wrote back to me welcoming the idea.
That goal took me to France this past July.
I am not an oil painter and I had never expressed a desire to travel to France
but here I was traveling to France for a 10 day oil painting retreat
to have tea with Dreama Tolle Perry.
There are times and events in our lives that are life changing....
that set us off on
a new and different path....my trip to France was one of these times.

One of the courtyards looking out onto the road and
 beyond to the church with it's bell tower.

The door to the door to my room.

I was so very thankful to have a desk in my room.
I sat here often writing and making additions to my journal.

It could not have been better.
Tea with Dreama in a little Tea Room
Suzie's Lavender Farm
in France.

China cups and saucers, small bouquets of flowers,
lavender cupcakes and friends!
I love china tea cups for it takes me back
many years
 to enjoying a cup of tea with my mother and Aunty Joan
at a table covered with a flowered table cloth.

Suzie telling us of the different types of lavender,
the uses, harvesting etc....and
how a ballet dancer from England came to
own a Lavender Farm in France.

I have to pinch myself... that is me standing in the middle of a lavender field.
I have my purple tam to remind me...a gift from Dreama.
Anyone who knows me will remember
that I don a tam as soon as the temperature begins to drop in the fall.
and it remains on until the early spring.

...and now my attempts at oil painting.

I  found that I enjoyed oil painting,
so much so that I have purchased oil paints,
I have my James Coulter
easel and I am looking forward to en plein air painting.

The church steps ascended from the
lower village to the upper road.
This is the upper section of stairs.
When I had a free moment,
 I walked down by way of the road and
 I ran back up the stairs...from the bottom to the top.
Running in France!

The Village of Frayssinet

Curtains in the window
lace and linen

Hollyhocks of every colour
...standing at attention...
along walls, fences, gate posts
future paintings!

The central courtyard...a gathering place...
of friends.

This little fellow was sitting
on a ledge
outside my door.
He puts a smile on my face.

The food was magnificent....every meal
was a masterpiece in presentation.

Beautiful smile!
Dear dear Corinne, owner
with husband Bill
of Le Vieux Couvent.
 Corinne realized her dream of owning an artist retreat.
She shared her journey with us and it was so very inspiring.

OH....the countryside....
everyday at 9 am,
18 women gathered in the courtyard for an
excursion, a photo op, sketching opportunities and shopping
in villages near and far.

...my purchase...

Videos do not appear on ipad
I need to work on this
We came to love the sound of the
church bells...and
missed them when we left.

My first en plein air painting.

Our Studio

Rocamadour, a natural and religious site.
There are a number of websites where you can read about the
origin and history of this most interesting place.

 The view from one of the terraces.

The second retreat was at Rancho Relaxo Artist Retreat north of Orillia, Ontario with owner Mark Fletcher and many artists...musicians, poets, writers, photographers, fine artists, entrepreneurs, etc.

This was my favourite spots....
sitting in the shade overlooking the stream...
in complete silence!

I take a deep breath and my shoulders relax
...I sit down...
and just enjoy.

So many photos taken as I wandered
the one hundred acres
over nine days. 

An old sugar shack sits on this property,
converted to a cabin complete with a wood stove.

and so may discoveries!

Glorious....dappled sunlight!

...down low and up close....
a reminder
I am not alone out here.

We came upon this beautiful owl sitting motionless
in the stream....
sadly he was later found dead.

From sketches I created a number of linocuts.